Dog Selection & Preparation Services

Making Smart Decisions from the Start

“Dan’s no nonsense style was very effective in getting us to understand how a dog thinks and behaves in response to its environment and interactions. He asked what was important to us and focused on tailoring the training to our needs. However, he also made additional suggestions based on his vast experience.” Read more>>

Getting a dog is a big responsibility and an important lifestyle change requiring a significant commitment from you as the owner. Dogs depend on their owners to provide the basics like food and shelter, but as a good owner, you will also be responsible for creating a safe, healthy, loving and rewarding environment for your new family member. Dogs are companion animals that will provide you with a level of unmatched devotion, friendship, and loyalty.

If you are considering getting a dog, you should put serious thought in your ability to fulfill the obligations of a responsible and caring pet owner. Cavalletto Canine can help you decide if you are ready for a pet by helping to create a home environment that’s healthy, happy and safe for your dog and family.

From picking the right breed to finding the right enclosure solutions, we can take you through the complete process to ensure a successful transition of your new dog into your home.

Dog Selection Services

It is all too common for people to fall in love with the first dog they see. Unfortunately, this doesn’t always result in an ideal relationship. Just like people, each dog has their own personality and set of strengths and weaknesses. The dog you choose should fit well with your personality and family dynamics.

Whether you are looking to adopt a rescue or get a puppy from a breeder, Cavalletto Canine can guide you. We’ll walk you through the complete selection process and help you find the right pet for your lifestyle.

Through our Dog Selection Services, we will help you to:

Evaluate Your Readiness:
Understanding the time you can commit to you dog will be key to deciding if you are ready for one.

Identify the Dog Behavior that Best Complements Your Lifestyle:
Cavalletto Canine will help you make a realistic list of what type of dog behaviors you want and don’t want. We will help guide you in selecting a dog that would best fit your family and home.

Breed Selection:
After we identify what you do and don’t want, Cavalletto Canine will provide expert guidance on breed type. We’ll find the breed most likely to compliment your lifestyle.

Determine if You Want a Shelter Dog or Purebred:
Cavalletto Canine will help you weigh the pros and cons of a purebred or shelter dog based on your lifestyle. If you decide on a purebred, we will coordinate a meeting with a reputable breeder. From there, we’ll work with you through the puppy selection process.
If you want to adopt a shelter dog, we will direct you to reputable rescues or humane society facilities. From there, we’ll work with you through the puppy selection process.

Temperament Testing:
Cavalletto Canine will guide you through temperament testing. Temperament testing is a critical step to identify the strengths and weaknesses in your potential puppy’s behaviors. Finding a dog with the right temperament for you and your family will make all the difference throughout the training process.

Dog-Friendly Home & Yard Solution Services

We specialize in helping you set up your home and property to provide a safe and positive environment for your pet, including dog-friendly home and yard design.

Cavalletto Canine will work with you before you install dog-controlled structures and fences – above or beneath ground – to ensure that you are making the most effective and beneficial choices for your pet and your family.